Preferred by the Meat Industry
Fibre King put 50 years of packaging expertise into the task of designing a line of specialised machinery to handle the demands of meat production lines.


Meat Industry Lidder Range
Meat Laminator Tray Former
We’ve been providing the best meat packaging equipment range in Australia for over 30 years.
The Fibre King team invested 50 years of packaging expertise into the task of designing a line of specialised machinery to handle the demands of meat production lines – the result; the toughest, most reliable machines able to withstand the harshest conditions to deliver maximum line uptime. Our intelligent design makes for easy use and maintenance access.
​​Fibre King meat equipment features heavy duty construction, and is suitable for 24 hour-a-day production facilities.
Fast and repeatable changeovers deliver maximum line uptime. Clean, open design means easy operator and maintenance access. Best of all, they're easy to use and designed to reduce production costs.
CP 20-30
Meat Palletiser
Meat Robotic Palletiser
Custom lid scheduling solution streamlining the logistic process for NCMC.
What our customers have to say
“...the machine has been a value-add for our meat
team. They like the way the erector consistently
performs without any down time and never calls in sick.
We look forward to our continued partnership with
Fibre King to add additional erectors as needed in other
areas of our business to maximize productivity gains.”
Ted Lechner - Reverse Logistics Manager
H-E-B, Texas
“We’ve seen significant improvement in our production rates and the quality of our product... we value the service and support we’ve been given by Amcor and Fibre King.
They’ve certainly made good on their promise of more uptime.
We expected our fair share of problems during installation, but it’s been a dream run.
The new cartons make us look a whole lot better out there in the market.”
Murray Wilson,
Plant Manager, JBS Swift Dinmore